WEB - Receive fresh news automatically

© 2014 EPFL

© 2014 EPFL

New feature: subscribe to your favourite news channels and you won't miss any published article. The time when you had to check everyday channels to see recent news is over: you can now get automatic notifications each time an article is published.

Do you fear missing freshly published articles on your favourite news channel? Don't panic, from now on you can subscribe to any channel in order to receive a notification each time a new article is published.

How to subscribe to a news channel?

Go on the desired news channel or on a specific article, click on "Receive an email for each new article" (see picture below), and validate your email address. You will then receive an email each time a new article will be published on the chosen news channel.

Should you wish to unsubscribe from a channel, just click on "Unsubscribe" on an article of the incriminated channel.