EU FP7 MATRICS consortium awarded

© EPFL 2014

© EPFL 2014

MATRICS is a recently awarded translational EU FP7 project involving Prof. Carmen Sandi, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, and coordinated by Dr. J. Glennon (Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands).

MATRICS will deconstruct aggression in conduct disorder (CD) and callous unemotional (CU) traits into different behavioural dimensions coupled to neuroimaging and (epi)genetic readouts. It will assess the role of dysregulated arousal on cognitive control, decision making and empathy in the context of CD +/- CU traits. MATRICS will start March 1, 2014 and will further strengthen conduct disorder research efforts in Europe by cross-interacting with the already funded EU FP6 IMAGEN and FP7 Aggressotype / PERS consortia.