Internet pour les filles/Internet für Mädchen in Fribourg

© 2015 EPFL

© 2015 EPFL

On Saturday June 20th took place the certificate ceremony of "Internet for Girls" / "Internet für Mädchen" courses in Fribourg.

In presence of the Rector of the University of Fribourg, Prof. Dr. Astrid Epiney, Mr. Jean-Etienne Berset, Director of the HES-So Fribourg and Mrs. Farnaz Moser, Director of the science outreach department of EPFL, 50 girls aged 9 to 12 received their certificates.
During eleven weeks, these young girls followed the course with enthusiasm and perseverance, with qualified students of the University of Fribourg, the School of Engineering (EIA) and EPFL as teacher. Each participant created her own website during these courses.