Me, a Guinea pig?

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In the context of scientific research, as we recognize the existence of legal gray areas, we cannot ignore the fundamental human rights to take into account, even from a non-invasive research standpoint. As such, an ethical analysis must complement the development of any human subject research project. What impact does this assertion have on the progress of science?

Research on human beings not only includes projects that directly concern individuals but also all types of research projects that, in any capacity, involve the participation of human beings, either through testing prototypes, surveys, behavioral studies etc. Accordingly, the definition of human subject research recognizes individuals as partners and subjects with legitimate rights and needs.

In accordance with international research standards, the federal law on research involving human beings (LRH) aims for the protection of the dignity, personality and health of the humans involved in research. LRH’s clauses are based on three fundamental principles of research ethics: respect for persons, beneficence (and non-harm) and social justice.

The LRH also ratifies the protocol approved by the different Swiss ethics committees (ethical review board on research involving humans (CER) in the case of the Canton of Vaud).

Why are we debating human subject research in Science! on tourne?
In the context of scientific research, as we recognize the existence of legal gray areas, we cannot ignore the fundamental human rights to take into account, even from a non-invasive research standpoint. As such, an ethical analysis must complement the development of any human subject research project.
Ethics is everyone's business. The discussion involving

Professor Michel Burnier, former president of the ethical review board of the Canton of Vaud, and
Professor José del R. Millán, expert in non-invasive brain-machine interfaces

can be watched again below. Moreover, the EPFL Library has prepared a complete bibliography on the topic

Watch live today from 12.15, or recorded from tomorrow on. 

Science! on tourne - Episode 11 from Mediacom EPFL on Vimeo.