Partnership with UN-Habitat

© 2013 EPFL

© 2013 EPFL

The IGLUS (Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems) initiative lead by Prof. Matthias Finger has signed a partnership with UN-Habitat, the UN body which deals with Urban governance and development.

The IGLUS research inititative has been established by the Chair of Management of Network Industries in 2011. Its primary focus is to foster innovative ways to govern large urgan systems. IGLUS brings together practioners (city manager, city officials, urban services providers, etc.) and academics from many different disciplines (urban planners, architects, geographers, engineers, economists, manangement experts, and political scientists).

With this partnership IGLUS will promote the socially and environmentally sustainable development of towns and cities in accordance with the UN Millenium Developpment Goals and the Outcome Document of the Rio+20 Summit, "The Future We Want" and adheres to the principles set out in the Charter of the Habitat Partner University Initiative.

UN Habitat and IGLUS will work together in a multidisciplinary manner with a view to bridiging gaps between science, education, field activities and policy making. This will include cooperation in the fields of education, research, professional development, policy advice and knowledge management, through the joint development of programmes, organization of workshops, symposia and other academic activities.