Space Science: a stronger link with China

© 2014 EPFL

© 2014 EPFL

EPFL and Beihang University recently signed an agreement that intensifies their collaboration in space science. Acting through the Swiss Space Center, this initiative will encourage joint research projects, student exchanges, and engagement with industry partners.

Relations between Switzerland and China are deepening. On the occasion of the the first "Swiss Day" organized mid-june in Beijing by the Swiss Embassy and Swissnex China together with Beihang University (BUAA), An agreement was signed between EPFL and BUAA, which will be solidified through the research activities of the Swiss Space Center’s. The aim of this initiative is to promote collaboration in space science and accelerate joint innovation between the two institutions.

The partners are used to collaborating. Every year, summer schools are organized, allowing students from each school to visit the other and establish new contacts with their peers. Joint projects are also in progress, e.g. a camera developed to operate in the extreme conditions of outer space.

The goal of this new agreement is to formalize and intensify such collaborations. Along with summer schools and research projects, it also promotes student and researcher exchanges and it encourages vigorous engagement with industry partners.

More about it on Swissnex' website and in Chinese on BUAA's website.