A New Model for Studying Parkinson's disease
Published:03.02.11 — Swiss researchers develop new, working model to combat genetic causes of the disease.
EPFL antennas chosen by ESA for nano-satellites
Published:02.02.11 — The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen EPFL to design the antennas for its next generation of satellites. They will equip nano-satellites – the future market for communication, experimentation and space observation.
The mystery of the formation of centrioles
Published:01.02.11 — Centrioles enable human cells to “perceive” their environment, to communicate with each other, and to move around. But how are they formed? Scientists from EPFL and the Paul Scherrer Institute answer this 50-year-old question on cellular biology.
A material to revolutionize electronics
Published:30.01.11 — Smaller and more energy-efficient electronic chips could be made using molybdenite. In an article appearing online January 30 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, EPFL’s Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures (LANES) publishes a study showing that this material has distinct advantages over traditional silicon or graphene for use in electronics applications.
EPFL invest in tutoring
Published:27.01.11 — EPFL will invest no less than CHF 800,000 in 2011 in tutoring, a teaching aid that has already been proven with first-year bachelor students. The goal of this support is to help students to both integrate on the campus and succeed in their first year studies.
EPFL honored by Wallpaper* Magazine
Published:26.01.11 — Wallpaper*, the “bible” in the areas of design and fashion, has named the Rolex Learning Center the best new public building of 2010. Two EPFL doctoral students in architecture have also been distinguished among the international candidates.
Students prizes: worth gold in a CV
Published:25.01.11 — No fewer than seventy prizes are awarded each year to EPFL students, mainly to those who have completed their master degrees, but also to those who have obtained their bachelor. Although the monetary value of the prizes is not very high, the document they receive is worth gold when included in their CV.
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