A week for alternative transportation at EPFL

The campus participates in European Mobility Week
From the 16th to the 22nd of September 2010, mobility week moves through all of Europe. The goal? To encourage people to choose other modes of transportation than the car and EPFL is actively participating. There are also several events in the canton, via two actions:
Join the Walk
- Principle: Promoting physical activity and walking.
- Goal: To cumulate all together the greatest number of miles by summing individually the distances measured using pedometers.
- How to join the action : Simply register at http://semainemobilite.itnux.ch and add every day the number of step you made. In case you do not have a pedometer you can ask me for one and come to get it at this office. ( in the limitation of the existing stock)
A day without my car
- You come on campus every day with your car, and wonder what it might be to use public transportation means to get to the EPFL? This action is for you, in fact, the Mobility Week and “Mobilis” community allow you to get a day pass valid for the whole community network “Mobilis” (in the limitation of the existing stock)
- To get it: Go to the EPFL information desk and ask for you Mobility envelope
- Terms of participation: Being for the benefit of an EPFL parking authorization, to be a staff member or student of the school, and agree not to come to campus by car the next day. We will send you by email a brief survey, after the end of the action, in order to collect your comments on the accessibility of our company via public transportation means