Eight Further ERC Grants Awarded to EPFL

European Research Council
Although the final results have not yet been issued, eight young EPFL scientists have just heard that they are to be awarded an ERC Starting Grant – great news for the start of the 2009-2010 academic year! ERC (the European Research Council) is a structure established in 2005 to complement the funding activities of other classical European agencies. It supports fundamental or applied research programmes in two different categories: ERC Starting Grants for young investigators and ERC Advanced Grants.
As the second call for proposals is drawing to a close, EPFL has achieved major success with eight Starting Grants amounting to 12.8 million Euros which, together with the 11 Advanced Grants already obtained, totals funding of 40 million Euros in 2009. This achievement evidences EPFL’s competitiveness at European level and the dynamism of the tenure track programmes initiated a few years ago.
The eight selected grantees are the following Assistant or Associate Professors:- Jean-François Molinari (Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory, ENAC),- Christina Fragouli (Laboratory of Algorithmic Research on Networked Information, I&C),- Hilal Lashuel (Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology and Neuroproteomics, SV),- Suliana Manley (Institute of the Physics of Biological Systems, SB),- Anna Fontcuberta i Morral (Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, STI),- Holger Frauenrath (Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Materials, STI),- Andras Kis (Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures, STI),- Martin Pumera (Microengineering Institute, STI).