Multiple distinctions for a LAST Doctoral assistant

Maria-Gracia Riera Pérez, Doctoral assistant at the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) has received three distinctions for her Master of Science in Environmental Engineering dissertation. Carried out under the supervision of Prof. Emmanuel Rey and in collaboration with Mr. Yves Roulet (Canton of Vaud, SIPAL) and Mr. Ulrick Liman (City of Lausanne, SLG), she studied the dynamics of the sustainability of a neighborhood and its buildings through a multi-criteria analysis of various possibilities of urban renewal.

Entitled "Dynamics of the sustainability of a neighborhood and its buildings. Comparative analysis of scenarios for renewal of an existing urban neighborhood ", Maria Gracia Riera Pérez' work consisted of an analysis of the present sustainability of the neighborhood "Les Fleurettes" in Lausanne as well as three scenarios presenting various degrees of intervention and aiming for sustainability objectives identified by the diagnosis of the existing neighborhood. In this approach she particularly used the assessment tool SméO developed by the Canton of Vaud and the city of Lausanne.

For this Master project, Maria Gracia Riera Pérez received three rewards, i.e. the BG Consulting Engineers Award for 2011: System and Sustainable Development, the Commune of Ecublens 2011 Prize and the University Interfaculty Organization for Sustainable Development (OUI-DD) 2011 prize. They were awarded during the EPFL Graduation Ceremony on 15th October 2011 and during a ceremony at the University of Lausanne on 27th October 2011.

This project is also a preparatory base for her doctoral study starting at the LAST and dealing precisely with the urban sustainable renewal theme.


Maria Gracia Riera Pérez, Emmanuel Rey, Dynamique de la durabilité d'un quartier et de ses bâtiments. Analyse de scénarii de renouvellement d'un quartier urbain existant, Master en sciences et ingénierie de l'environnement, 2011