Two professors appointed at the School of Life Sciences

A warm welcome to Miguel Nicolelis and Oliver Hantschel, recently appointed at the School of Life Sciences by the ETH Board...

Miguel A. L. Nicolelis has been named as Professor of Neurosciences, at 50%, in the School of Life Sciences. Miguel Nicolelis is recognized as the leading expert worldwide and pioneer in the multidisciplinary field comprising: neuro-engineering, brain–machine interfaces, and neuroprosthetics. This new professorship is based at EPFL’s Center for Neuroprosthetics, which is sponsored by the Bertarelli Foundation - it will enable EPFL to pursue its goal of improving the quality of life of those suffering from neurological conditions.

Oliver Hantschel has been appointed as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of School of Life Sciences. His clinical studies have made a significant contribution to the understanding of an oncogene that plays a central role in chronic myeloid leukemia. Oliver Hantschel will work at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) within the Life Science faculty, where he will hold the first Chair of Translational Oncology, supported by the ISREC Foundation (Lausanne), with a budget of 3 million Swiss francs over a period of six years. The objective of this appointment is to stimulate synergies and interactions between scientists, doctors and surgeons working in oncology.