Understanding international affairs

Two speakers of the course,DominiqueTrinquand, UN mission leader and Heidi Tagliavini, diplomat
UNIL and EPFL are offering a new course in the international domain. The program will begin in March 2011.
This new course is offered by the Fondation pour la formation continue universitaire lausannoise, which is composed of UNIL and EPFL. Called International Diplomacy Training for the Civil Services, it will be given – in English – from March to June 2011. Ambassadors, high-ranking civil servants, political analysts and teachers will be sharing their know-how, as well as their practical experience. This new offering is particularly targeted at employees of NGOs, those professionals evolving in an international context, and members of foreign missions.
The course will concentrate on inter-governmental relations. This area is increasingly complex at a time of globalization, where each decision taken at local level can have repercussions at a global level. In particular, political, economic, security-related and social issues will be addressed.
The course will be delivered over 12 days. It combines both theory and practice, thanks to role-playing exercises.